In just about every state, the buyer is required to pay for the loan policy, or lender’s title insurance. However, the party responsible for paying an owner’s title insurance policy can vary from state to state. Your lender will usually include this information as part of the loan application and closing process.
Requirements for Tennessee, Georgia & Alabama
At Wooden Title & Escrow, LLC, we provide closing services & title insurance to home buyers throughout Tennessee, Georgia & Alabama. Check below to see your state’s requirements:
Who pays for title insurance in Tennessee? Negotiable / Buyer. In Tennessee, the buyer often pays for the owner’s title insurance, but this is negotiable.
Who pays for title insurance in Georgia? Negotiable. In Georgia, the title insurance cost is negotiable between each party.
Who pays for title insurance in Alabama? Negotiable. Alabama residents can negotiate whether the buyer or seller pays for the owner’s title policy.
Get A Free Title Insurance Estimate
Whether you live in Alabama, Tennessee or Georgia, our real estate attorneys can negotiate the title insurance costs and ensure you’re getting the best deal possible. Several issues can arise in a real estate transaction. Make sure you’re covered with Title Insurance. Contact the experts at Wooden Law Firm today to learn more!